Category: Hydrogen

With liquid hydrogen safety is the top priority
HEROSE offers reliable technological solutions for the entire hydrogen value chain Big plans cast their shadows ahead: the transformation to a hydrogen economy is becoming more and more evident in Germany – numerous projects are in the planning stage or...

Getting hydrogen technology on track
A gas handling unit from Argo-Anleg with valve technology from HEROSE

Green hydrogen, the crude oil of the future?
Green hydrogen can contribute to the decarbonisation of transport and industry as a storage technology for sustainable energy. The world agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement that the economy should become greenhouse neutral between 2050 and 2100. A fundamental transformation...

Hydrogen is the energy carrier of the future
In the Paris Climate Agreement, the global community decided that the economy should become greenhouse gas neutral between 2050 and 2100. In order to achieve the ambitious goals, a fundamental transformation of the energy system is necessary beyond the pure...